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Central to our philosophy at Kidsville is the belief that secure relationships with responsive and respectful adults provide the basis for all learning in children. Given that belief, our teachers and staff strive to make parents part of creating that environment in our classroom and at home.

We’re passionate about children’s growth, development and achievements. And while we always appreciate and understand the rapid pace of today’s world and work to ease the stressors modern families face, we are proud to partner with educationally minded families who share these goals.

Family partnerships help us to understand and be responsive to the cultural and individual differences of each of the children trusted in our care. We encourage parents to get involved in their child’s activities and our open-door policy doesn’t end in the classroom. Our administration and staff members welcome your input and the opportunity to talk about your child.

We know that enrolling in or switching to a new school can be hard, so we’ve made it easier for new parents to make the transition. Our knowledgeable and highly trained teachers are a strong resource for educational issues.